Mangda Sengvanhpheng Mangda Sengvanhpheng

What’s your legacy?

Have you ever considered your legacy being how you made others feel, who you gave advice to, listened to, or fought for? Has your art brought you meaning? Your healing? Your gifts that you’re meant to share or the lessons that you’ve learned?

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Mangda Sengvanhpheng Mangda Sengvanhpheng

Baci Rituals: Strings to the Past, Present + Future.

Baci translates to “blessings” and these ceremonial experiences are intended for gatherings of all kinds. This ritual symbolizes true unity, compassion, and connection between every living being and serves as an appreciation for life.

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Mangda Sengvanhpheng Mangda Sengvanhpheng

Why is death so taboo in the Western world?

Before the pandemic, death was one of the most taboo topics to discuss and acknowledge, resulting in a society that feared death more than ever in recorded history.

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Mangda Sengvanhpheng Mangda Sengvanhpheng

How does being in touch with our impermanence change our lives?

What every single person on this planet has in common is the impermanence of our lives. We all know that we’re mortal beings, but what does that mean in our ever-distracted worlds? As much as we know this, how much do we really embody it?

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Mangda Sengvanhpheng Mangda Sengvanhpheng

Break the Silence and End the Bypassing, Like Our Lives Depend On It

As racism continues to take lives, BIPOC are continually left to do more work to heal the present, generational and ancestral effects of racism for both the living and the dead. We need more support, accessibility and representation at the front of these industries to continue doing the work.

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