Mindfully connecting us to the cycles of life.
Providing regenerative offerings and experiences to renew and deepen your experience of being alive.
Holistically guiding us through life, loss, grief, and death.
BACII is influenced by traditional Laotian baci ceremonies performed at gatherings of birth, life, and death. During the ritual, people wish baci, or “blessings,” onto others in an act of true compassion, unity and connection.

Shadow is a flower essence blend that holds you in your deepest grief and most tender moments, gently guiding you to meet your shadows with calm, courage, and new found illuminations.

Art by Nam June Paik
A Signature Offering
YU:EXIST is an empowering 4-week experience designed to re-engage you to your life and to our shared world. Through learnings, practices, self-reflection and community gatherings, you’ll receive invaluable insights and awareness that helps you better understand, accept, heal, and prepare for the end-of-life. We’ll refine what it means to exist in the world today.
✷ Why experience this
Facing your mortality affects the way you live, the choices you make, and your overall wellbeing and engagement to life
Expand your understanding of loss, life and death of all kinds
Decrease your death fears and anxieties
Appreciate being alive
This is life and death education
Make positive changes in your life and in the world
✷ This is for
Anyone interested in better understanding their life and the topic of death
Anyone feeling stagnant in their lives and seeking more meaning
Anyone open and curious to a new experience
Past participants include: creatives, engineers, counselors, librarians, strategists, teachers, community advocates, activists, death doulas, grief guides, filmmakers, and you!
Unsure if this is for you? Book a time to connect here.
“This is an incredibly unique and valuable offering, I am forever grateful for the opportunity to experience such a thoughtful space and create community around these topics. I was met with new understandings, connections and an experience being seen in a way that was unlike any other expression of self. Through the honest and supportive space BACII has created, this is a place to honor your depth and show up just as you are. I highly recommend investigating if this offering, or anything BACII is up to, is calling you and following that intuition!” - Jenny

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